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Super bowl diet disaster -

19-12-2016 à 16:38:10
Super bowl diet disaster
Consider how easy it is to snarf down thousands of calories. At about 10am, my younger cousin and I went for a 20 minute jog around the neighborhood - which for me is NOT normal. Fans can consume thousands of calories if they are mindlessly pigging out while watching the Super Bowl. My Account Log Out Get the news Log In or Subscribe to skip Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google Sign in FAQ TOP TRENDING x Share. By damage control, I mean I WORKED MY BUTT OFF earlier in the morning, so that I could have what I wanted later on, without the guilt.

After my 20 minute run, I ate a small breakfast - a bowl of Multi-grain Cheerios with unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk - while my heart rate was still up, followed by some hip abductions and abdominal twists. Post to Facebook Warning: Super Bowl means mega-calorie diet disasters. And, to make matters worse, it would take hours to burn off those calories with exercise, unless you are a linebacker. Where I went wrong for the day, though, was my liquor intake - as to be expected. If you eat one slice of cheese pizza, six chicken wings with dressing, several handfuls of tortilla chips with Buffalo dip, two beers and a brownie, you could easily consume 2,000 calories during the game, says Heather Mangieri, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a sports nutritionist in Pittsburgh. Nevertheless, I still am pretty proud of myself and how well I held it together around so many temptations yesterday.

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Super bowl diet disaster

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