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Obession with diet and exercise - obession with fare and effort

19-12-2016 à 16:43:23
Obession with diet and exercise
Negative health effects develop when exercise or nutrition are taken to extremes. Exercise and nutrition are foundational to good health, but extreme behaviors can be a red flag indicating unhealthy behaviors. Firmly adhering to an obsessive and regimented exercise regime. If you are a loved one are suffering from orthorexia, find a qualified eating disorder center and speak with a professional. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 68 percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Examples of this include: excessive exercise, weight obsessions, bulimia, anorexia and binge eating disorders. Working with a team of eating disorder specialists including a nutritionist, therapist, physician, and possibly others, as needed, such as a psychiatrist, cardiologist, etc. Yet the messages that reach people regarding weight can often cause more harm than good. Risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder. The common hallmark of excessive exercise is prioritizing exercise foremost in life, rather than including exercise in a balanced lifestyle.

Orthorexics feel isolated from or superior to people who may consume a food they they themselves reject. Counseling from qualified treatment professionals on developing healthier coping skills and tools to lead a more balanced life. Refraining from exercise for a period of time to regain a balanced lifestyle and identify underlying issues. Training from an exercise physiologist or specialist when resuming exercise, to assist in determining a healthy workout schedule, appropriate duration of exercise, etc. The ironic result is that an activity that should be beneficial -- keeping fit and trim -- often winds up causing serious stress to both the mind and body. Orthorexia is a form of disordered eating that often has the following symptoms. Identifying and resolving or eliminating underlying issues and behaviors that contribute to the condition of orthorexia. Sadly, almost all diets fail and the individual is left feeling discouraged and defeated. More promising are lifestyle change and a focus on health and well being rather than restrictive eating. Watching your weight can be a healthy activity but watching it with an obsessive intensity -- not so much. In the case of over exercising likely effects include: exhaustion, injuries, amenorrhea, anxiety, depression and isolation.

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